News Releases
The latest news and announcements from Mayor London N. Breed

Statement from Mayor London Breed on Lifting the Curfew on June 4th at 5 AM

San Francisco, CA — Statement from Mayor London N. Breed on lifting the curfew in San Francisco effective Thursday, June 4th, at 5:00 a.m.:

"Starting tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. we will be lifting the curfew in San Francisco.

The protests we have seen in this city and across the country are for an important cause and our city will continue to facilitate any and all peaceful demonstrations. Following the events of Saturday night, it was important for the safety of our residents to ensure that we could prevent the violence and vandalism that had taken place, but we know that the overwhelming majority of people out protesting are doing so peacefully and we trust that will continue.

As I said at the rally at City Hall on Monday, I am Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco, but I am a black woman first. I know what it is like to experience injustice, and as someone who grew up here I am well aware that in San Francisco we have our own legacy of racism to reckon with and rectify. I am committed to continue doing this work, I know Chief Scott and the members of the San Francisco Police Department are committed to continue doing this work, and I hope to see that in the coming weeks, months, and years, that the people of San Francisco continue to advocate for real change across our country. We will be right there with you."

