News Releases
The latest news and announcements from Mayor London N. Breed

San Francisco Reports Additional Cases of Novel Coronavirus in San Francisco Residents

Six San Francisco residents are presumed positive for COVID-19 and all are isolated at home in good condition

Media Availability at 3pm on Saturday, March 7th with Dr. Susan Philip, San Francisco Deputy Health Officer. 25 Van Ness Ave., Room 610.

San Francisco, CA — The San Francisco Department of Public Health today reported presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 in six San Francisco residents, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the city to eight.

The San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH) lab conducted COVID-19 tests for the patients and found positive results. All six people are isolated at home in good condition. Each of them has had known contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19.

“These newly confirmed cases are an indication of the increasing circulation of coronavirus in the community, as expected, given the patterns in our state, region and our own city,” said Dr. Grant Colfax, Director of Health. “San Franciscans should remain calm, and take appropriate steps for heightened precautions. Today’s new information reinforces the need for all San Franciscans to follow our recommendations for social distancing that the Mayor released yesterday. They are intended to reduce the spread of the virus and protect community health. In order to decrease the impact of coronavirus on our community, we must reduce the times and places when people come together.”

Of the six patients, three are women and three are men. Two patients are in their 20s, three in their 40s, and one in their 50s. The Department of Public Health is working with the patients and their families to ensure that their health is monitored, and all precautions are being taken to protect their health and the health of the public.

To protect patient privacy, San Francisco will not be releasing further patient information. The Department of Public Health will post confirmed cases on their website, updated daily, at starting Monday, March 9th.

“Given the increased local testing, and the proven spread of the virus in the community, we expect to have more confirmed cases in San Francisco,” said Dr. Tomas Aragon, San Francisco Health Officer. “Our community members should focus now on how they can help reduce spread of the virus. Vulnerable people who are 60 and over or have underlying health conditions should limit their outings as much as possible. We recommend that large gatherings that are not essential be cancelled, and everyone should practice aggressive prevention such as frequent hand washing and staying home if sick.”

On Tuesday, February 25th, Mayor London Breed declared a local emergency in order to better-prepare for confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in San Francisco. The emergency declaration allows the City to mobilize resources, accelerate emergency planning, streamline staffing, coordinate agencies across the city, allow for future reimbursement by the state and federal governments and raise awareness throughout San Francisco about how to prepare for and respond to the novel coronavirus. The City is in regular contact with all hospitals and health facilities in San Francisco, and our health system is prepared to deliver care to everyone in need and provide a coordinated response as additional cases of the novel coronavirus are confirmed.

The San Francisco Department of Public Health began testing for cases of novel coronavirus on Monday, March 2nd, and continues conducting tests seven days a week in cases that meet the CDC criteria.

On Friday, March 6th, the Mayor issued aggressive recommendations by the Department of Public Health to reduce the spread of coronavirus that is now circulating in the community.

The recommendations for social distancing have a goal of reducing the occasions when large numbers of people come together and potentially are exposed to the virus that is circulating in our community. The recommendations protect the health of vulnerable populations, and ensure that essential public services, such as schools and transportation, are taking steps to protect the public. The social distancing recommendations will cause changes in behavior for systems and individuals. They are meant to disrupt normal social behavior, because the virus thrives under normal circumstances. Functions that are essential to an individual or their family, such as getting food, traveling to work, or providing for a sick family member, can be continued. This is an evolving situation and the recommendations are expected to change. 

Read the recommendations that apply to vulnerable populations, large gatherings, workplace and businesses, schools, transit and health care settings at and stay up to date on coronavirus news and information. You can also call 311 and sign up for the City’s new alert service for official updates: text COVID19SF to 888-777.

Remember, these are the best ways for all San Franciscans to reduce their risk of getting sick, and preventing COVID-19:

  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze.
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Try alternatives to shaking hands, like an elbow bump or wave.
  • If you have recently returned from a country, state or region with ongoing COVID-19 infections, monitor your health and follow the instructions of public health officials.
  • There is no recommendation to wear masks at this time to prevent yourself from getting sick.

You can also prepare for the possible disruption caused by an outbreak:

  • Prepare to work from home if that is possible for your job, and your employer.
  • Make sure you have a supply of all essential medications for your family.
  • Prepare a child care plan if you or a care giver are sick.
  • Make arrangements about how your family will manage a school closure.
  • Plan for how you can care for a sick family member without getting sick yourself.
  • Take care of each other and check in by phone with friends, family and neighbors that are vulnerable to serious illness or death if they get COVID-19.
  • Keep common spaces clean to help maintain a healthy environment for you and others. Frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned regularly with disinfecting sprays, wipes or common household cleaning products.
