News Releases
The latest news and announcements from Mayor London N. Breed

Mayor London Breed and San Francisco Pride Celebrate 50th Anniversary of LGBTQ Pride

San Francisco Pride and community partners are planning anniversary events throughout 2020, culminating in San Francisco’s Pride Celebration and Parade in June. More than a million people are expected to join the celebrations

San Francisco, CA — Mayor London N. Breed today celebrated 50 years of LGBTQ Pride and kicked off the 2020 festivities with a press conference at San Francisco City Hall, along with Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, San Francisco Pride, the Office of Transgender Initiatives, and City officials.

“LGBTQ Pride Month is one of my favorite times of year, because it is truly San Francisco at its best. It is a celebration of the community’s hard-fought progress and the legacy of strength, resilience, and leadership against all odds,” said Mayor Breed. “Today, we are kicking off the historic anniversary of 50 years of Pride. It is an important milestone of our achievements and a reminder of the work will still have ahead to reach full equality.”

This year marks half a century since what was originally known as “Gay Freedom Day” celebrated its “Freedom Day Revolution.” After 50 years of Pride, 2020 is a time to reflect on the remarkable successes the LGBTQ movement has seen and the challenges it continues to face.

The 50th anniversary Celebration and Parade, with the theme “Generations of Hope,” will fill the streets of downtown San Francisco from the Embarcadero to City Hall on Saturday and Sunday, June 27 and 28, 2020. This year’s events will be supported by SF Pride’s new Executive Director, Fred Lopez.

“San Francisco Pride is one of the largest celebrations of LGBTQ community and culture in the world,” said Supervisor Mandelman. “Over the last five decades, San Francisco has been at the forefront of the fight for LGBTQ equality, and the 50th Anniversary of Pride gives us the opportunity to reflect on how far we have come and set the course for the next 50 years.”

“In looking back at the last 50 years of LGBTQ liberation, I am reminded how we stand on the shoulders of those that came before us,” said Clair Farley, Senior Advisor and Director of the Office of Transgender Initiatives. “From Harvey Milk to Marsha P. Johnson, from Compton’s to the Trans March, we have an incredible history and a responsibility to keep moving forward and addressing the inequities still facing trans people of color, our trans youth, and LGBTQ immigrants. Today we celebrate, tomorrow we get back to work.”

“We’re incredibly honored to have the support of the Mayor’s office, as well as all city agencies, to make San Francisco’s largest outdoor event possible,” said Fred Lopez, Executive Director of SF Pride. “It is only through collaboration and partnerships that San Francisco Pride can continue to thrive. We are working hard to make 2020 one of the most fabulous Pride celebrations San Francisco has ever seen.”

San Francisco Pride is now accepting nominations for Community Grand Marshals for the 2020 Parade and Celebration. Visit SF Pride to nominate local community leaders and learn about the festivities planned throughout 2020:
