Mayor Lee's Statement on Commemorating Mayor Alioto's 100th Birthday
Mayor Edwin M. Lee today issued the following statement on celebrating what would have been the 100th Birthday of Mayor Joseph L. Alioto, the 36th Mayor of San Francisco, who was born on February 12, 1916:
“Mayor Joe Alioto presided over a time of change and uncertainty in San Francisco, and left a legacy that forever changed our skyline and our residents. Mayor Alioto put his passion and political power behind developing a regional transportation system now known as the Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART) and was critical in the construction of both the Transamerica Pyramid and the Embarcadero Center along our world class waterfront. He helped to bring more diversity into City government, launched a reform of the City charter, and was invested in keeping our City safe. The son of immigrants, he was respected for his public service and legal career even decades before he become our City’s 36th mayor. The Alioto family has had a storied legacy in San Francisco that continues to this day.
On behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, let us pay tribute and honor Mayor Alioto on this day. Happy 100th Birthday, Mayor Alioto!”
In honor of Mayor Alioto’s 100th birthday, the San Francisco History Center will display photographs, press clippings (newspaper and magazine), ephemera, realia (objects), and speech and poetry excerpts documenting his life, particularly during his years as Mayor of San Francisco. Described as articulate and sophisticated, with a great rapport, the popular and colorful mayor served two terms during a time of political and social unrest. Alioto died two weeks short of his 82nd birthday in 1998, in his beloved City. The San Francisco History Center is located on the 6th Floor of the Main Library at 100 Larkin Street. The Happy Birthday, Mayor Alioto! exhibit will be on display starting today through February 21st.