Mayor Lee’s Statement on Governor’s Actions to Avoid Bart Strike
Mayor Edwin M. Lee today issued the following statement on Governor Jerry Brown’s actions to avert Monday’s Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) strike:
“I applaud Governor Brown for taking the steps necessary so that Bay Area residents will not endure another unbearable BART strike including ordering a court-approved 60-day cooling off period. I also thank the Governor for appointing a Board of Investigation, which included San Francisco’s Human Resources Director Micki Callahan, to move this dispute toward a closer resolution. I continue to urge both BART union and management leaders to reach an agreement that honors BART workers and puts BART on strong fiscal footing and long-term sustainability.
Every day BART carries hundreds of thousands of people commuting to their jobs, attending classes and traveling our Bay Area region. A strike would negatively impact our entire regional economy and would undoubtedly hurt our working families. A BART strike is not just inconvenience anymore, but will cause undue hardship for many. As both sides continue to work together to reach a settlement, our Bay Area riders are, and absolutely will remain, our number one priority.”