CCCD Members

Nadine Burke, Vice Chair

Dr. Nadine Burke is a pediatrician andthe Medical Director of Pediatric Health Parity Programs at CaliforniaPacific Medical Center.   Herarea of specialty is in improving healthcare for underservedcommunities and eliminating health disparities, with a particular focuson child health. Dr. Burke earnedher undergraduate degree in Integrative Biology from the University ofCalifornia at Berkeley, her doctorate from the U.C. Davis School ofMedicine and she received a Master of Public Health Degree from HarvardUniversity.  Dr. Burke completed her training in pediatrics at Stanford University Medical Center. Sheengages in extensive community outreach to schools, community basedorganizations and parenting groups to educate families about suchtopics as nutrition, diabetes, asthma and environmental health. Dr.Burke has earned numerous awards for her leadership and service to themedically needy.  She currently serves asvolunteer clinical faculty for the UCSF School of Medicine, as well ason the board of the San Francisco Urban Service Project.

Dr. Burke was appointed by Mayor Gavin Newsom in 2005.

Winnie Chu

Winnie Chu has more than 20 years experience in non profit management and strategic philanthropy.

Winnie iscurrently the Executive Director of Survivors International. SurvivorsInternational's mission is to heal the wounds of torture andgender-based violence suffered by individuals, their families and theircommunities, and to stop torture. Prior to joining SurvivorsInternational, Winnie was the Vice-President of Grants and Programs atCommunity Foundation Silicon Valley. She created, planned andimplemented the community initiatives and grantmaking of the foundationand helped donors align their values with their charitable giving.Winnie also worked as independent consultant. In this capacity, Winnieassisted nonprofit organizations in the areas of strategic planning,organizational effectiveness, board development, proposal development,and fund development. She also advised foundations and corporations onsetting up systems and infrastructure for grantmaking, researchingcommunity issues, and serving as a resource in program development andevaluation. Winnie is on the Board of Directors of Community EducationServices, whose mission is to empower youth to transform their lives,schools, and communities and Agape Foundation, which provides grants toorganizations addressing Peace, Human Rights, Environmental Protection,Economic Justice, and Grassroots Organizing. Winnie is also a member ofthe American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley and Asian Pacific Islanderin Philanthropy.

Winnie Chu  was appointed by Mayor Gavin Newsom in September 2008.

Angela Cheung

AngelaCheung is a Principal in Recruiting at Barclays Global Investors (BGI),the world's largest asset management firm. She earned her undergraduatedegree in economics and Chinese studies from Wellesley College and aMaster in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government atHarvard University. Angela started her career working in the fieldoffice for Assembly member Xavier Becerra and later joined AsianPacific American Legal Center in Los Angeles as an immigrationparalegal dedicated to the Chinese community. After graduate school,she joined Pyramid Research, a strategic consulting firm focused onprivatization and liberalization of the telecommunications industry inemerging markets, specializing in the Asia Pacific region. Tocomplement her Asian experience, she moved to Zurich, Switzerland, as acorporate banker for Citibank. Settling in San Francisco, Angela joinedThomas Weisel Partners (TWP), a merchant bank focused on emerginggrowth companies, as well as at Heidrick & Struggles, a globalexecutive search firm. Angela is  conversant in Cantonese and hasworking knowledge of Mandarin and Swiss-German.

Angela Cheung  was appointed by Mayor Gavin Newsom in September 2008.

Donald Ivy Frazier

Donald IvyFrazier has over 15 years experience in the non-profit managementsector specializing in fund and program development; contracts andcompliance; quality management; and legislative affairs. His guidinginterests are the development of policies that promote socio-economicand educational achievement as essential components to sustaincommunities. His penchant for non-profit innovation, social justice,and policy provide a foundation to further explore and developsolutions that address the underlying structural causes of poverty,social injustice, and health and human rights violations. Mr. Frazieris nationally known for his innovative style and accomplishments. Hecurrently serves as President of the San Francisco Association ofAlcohol and Drug Program Contractor's; Co-chair of Hospital CouncilAdvisory Committee on African American Health Disparities; Member onthe CARE Council, and Member of the Therapeutic Communities of Americaand World Federation of Therapeutic Communities. Mr. Frazier hasreceived many honors recognizing his contributions in improvingcommunity health and human services.

Mayor Gavin Newsom appointed him in 2007.

Linda Squires Grohe, Chair

LindaSquires Grohe, a native San Franciscan, is the Dean of the School ofHealth & Physical Education at City College as well as the Dean ofthe John Adams Campus.  She began her career at City College as anEnglish/speech instructor in 1969.  In addition to her campusresponsibilities and oversight of City College's health and physicaleducation programs, she has been instrumental in the development ofeducational programs designed to assist foreign born health careprofessionals and incumbent hospital workers find new careers andemployment in American health care fields.  She serves on the Board ofthe Stonestown Family YMCA and is a member of the WIB/Private IndustryCouncil Program Committee.  Ms. Squires Grohe has a B.A. and Masters inSpeech-Communication from San Jose State University. 

Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. appointed her in 2003.

Stephen Huey

StephenHuey is a senior vice president with Bank of America and has been withthe bank for 26 years. As a Community Impact Manager for GlobalCommunity Impact for Central and Northern California, Mr.Huey ensuresthat the bank's community-focused products and programs are deliveredeffectively to achieve the highest possible impact in local marketsthroughout California. He works in conjunction with internal andexternal partners to enhance growth initiatives needed to meet thebank's community lending, investment and service goals, especially forlow-and moderate-income customers and neighborhoods.

Stephen alsoserves on the bank's National Rural Initiative, a plan to deliver $25billion in loans and investments in rural communities over 10 years. The National Rural Initiative is part of Bank of America's 10-year,$1.5 trillion goal for community development lending and investingnationwide.

Stephen also has worked as Banking Center Manager and regional Consumer Market Manager for Bank of America's retail bank.

Stephencurrently serves on several non-profit boards of directors, includingco-chair of the Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center as wellas, on the board of Lavender Youth Recreation & Information Center(LYRIC) in San Francisco. He is also Enterprise co-chair of Bank ofAmerica's Pride Associate Affinity Group and chair of the San FranciscoPride Associate Affinity Group chapter.

Stephen is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He currently lives in San Francisco's SOMA district.

Stephen Huey was appointed by Mayor Gavin Newsom in September 2008.

Sarah Karlinsky

SarahKarlinsky is Deputy Director of the San Francisco Planning and UrbanResearch Association (SPUR), a member-sponsored urban planningthink-tank. At SPUR, Sarah is responsible for managing SPUR's housing,community planning and disaster planning work and for coordinatingSPUR's policy efforts. Prior to joining SPUR, Sarah developedaffordable housing throughout the Bay Area with Mid-Peninsula HousingCoalition (MPHC), one of the largest non-profit developers ofaffordable housing in the Bay Area. Sarah is a board member of theTransportation and Land Use Coalition (TALC) and has taught land useplanning at San Francisco State University. She is the author of "SmartGrowth and Community Development Corporations: Putting Policy intoPractice," published by the National Reinvestment Corporation and theJoint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University. Sarah began hercareer teaching urban planning to middle school students as a Teach forAmerica Corps Member in Baltimore, Maryland. She received her Master'sDegree in Public Policy and Urban Planning from Harvard's KennedySchool of Government and her BA in History from Columbia University.

Sarah Karlinsky was appointed by Mayor Gavin Newsom in September 2008.

Jordan Klein

Jordan Klein is a Program Officer at United Way of the Bay Area.  Inthis role, Mr. Klein partners with the nonprofit sector, localgovernments, and other community stakeholders to strengthen humanservices around the region.  His voluntary civicengagement includes regular participation in voter registration drives,event support for the San Francisco Bluegrass and Old-Time Festival,and annual coordination of the performance stage at the San FranciscoGreen Festival.  He is also an accomplishedbluegrass banjo player; he performs regularly with several groups invenues and festivals around the city and Northern California.  Mr. Klein has a B.A. in History from Northwestern University.

Mayor Gavin Newsom appointed him in 2005.

John Lucero

John B. Lucero is currently a consultant involved in affordable housing and economic development in the Bay Area. He established his community development career with Bank of America bydeveloping an affordable lending program to address the need of aflexible lending product during the affordable housing crisis in SantaFe, NM.  John joined Norwest Bank to pioneer Native American Tribal Trust Land Lending at the Navajo Nation.  John served as a Nation Urban Fellow at the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency working on social urban issues.  Most recently, John served as the Senior Deputy Director for Fannie Mae’s Bay Area Partnership Office.

He currently serves on the Board of the San Francisco Aids HousingAlliance, Advisory Board of Monterey County Housing Alliance, andco-founder of the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center. Mr..Lucero has a B.A. in Business Administration from the College ofSanta Fe and Masters in Public Administration from Baruch College

Mayor Gavin Newsom appointed him in 2004.

Ralph Romberg

Ralph R Romberg is serving his second year on the committee. He is aveteran retail executive having been a merchandise vice-president at IMagnin and Neiman-Marcus. He is currently an instructor inmerchandising, management and entrepreneurship at The Fashion Instituteof Design and Merchandising in San Francisco. He is also Director ofFBLG of Montreal and Airlogica of Dallas. Mr. Romberg served in the USArmy during the Korean War. He is a speaker for the Holocaust Center ofNorthern California. Mr. Romberg has a Ph.D. from University of Chicagoand a MBA from Trans-Columbia University.

Mayor Gavin Newsom appointed him in 2004.

Eva Royal

Eva Royal is the Bay Area Representative for the Dolores HuertaFoundation and long time organizer for the United Farm Workers. Evaproduces the annual Cesar E. Chaves Holiday Breakfast and the Cesar E.Chaves Holiday Parade & Festival in San Francisco. She has workedas a community and labor organizer for over 25 years in the Bay Area.Currently, Eva is on the boards of the Mission Cultural Center forLatino Arts; and Companeros del Barrio. Ms. Royal has a B.A. inEconomics and did her graduate work in Social Work at San FranciscoState University. 

Tom Ruiz

Tom Ruiz, who has taught and served as an administrator with the SanFrancisco Unified School District for the past 19 years, is currentlythe executive director of labor relations with the San FranciscoUnified School District.  He has a Masters in Education from theUniversity of San Francisco.

He was appointed by Mayor Art Agnos in 1988 reappointed by Mayor Frank Jordan in 1992 and by Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. in 1997.

Sujata Srivastava

SujataSrivastava is a Senior Associate at Economics Research Associates, aland use economics consulting firm. She has experience in both publicand private sector development, focusing on economic and financialanalyses of real estate projects, downtown revitalization strategies,infill and mixed-use development, and transit-oriented real estatedevelopment. Prior to this, her work experience included consulting foran urban planning firm in Quito, Ecuador and working with a Bay Area community development corporation to develop an affordablehomeownership strategy. Ms Srivastava holds a Master's degree in Cityand Regional Planning from the University of California at Berkeley,where she focused on Community Development and Housing/ProjectDevelopment. She received her B.A. in Politics from Mount HolyokeCollege magna cum laude. She speaks fluent Spanish, and proficient in Portuguese and Hindi.

Mayor Gavin Newsom appointed her in 2007

Adrian M. Tyler

AdrianTyler is Director of Development at the San Francisco-based BlackCoalition on AIDS (BCA), an organization whose mission is to stop thespread of HIV/AIDS and eliminate health disparities in the Blackcommunity. His responsibilities include directing the agency's grantseeking efforts, developing a broad, diverse base of individual donersfor the agency, and partnering with other agencies to develop andimplement social marketing strategies that will attract targetedaudiences to improve their health via the agencies' services. Prior tohis association with BCA in 2007, he was General Manager of Regulatoryand Constituency Relations at AT&T. In that capacity he directedand implemented consumer protection, consumer education and advocacystratrgies. For three  years he directed the 15-member Universal Service Task Force, acollaboration with public policy leaders, academia and communityleaders, that focused on implementing strategies to improve theaccessibility of telecommunications services in underservedcommunities. He also promoted and facilitated technology-based fundingfor community-based organizations. Adrian is a graduate of OberlinCollege and has a B.A. in economics.

Mayor Gavin Newsom appointed him in October oof 2008.

Ron Wong

Ron Wongenjoys a successful career as a Realtor with Hill & Company RealEstate and serves on its Broker Advisory Committee representing agents'concerns to the management team. Prior to that, he owned a fundraisingand event planning consultancy, Ron Wong and Associates, for over adecate focusing on social justice and environmental causes. His firmcoordinated over 200 events and campaigns raising millions of dollarsfor local charities. His volunteer activities include serving oncommittees for Horizons Foundation, Kimochi, San Francisco Beautiful,and Swords to Plowshares. A native San Franciscan, he received his Business Finance from San Francisco State University and isaffiliated with the San Francisco Association of Realtors.

Ron Wong was appointed by Mayor Gavin Newsom in September 2008.