Carla Johnson

Carla Johnson has dual responsibilities as an Access ComplianceOfficer and Emergency Planner. She performs plan check and fieldinspections on publicly funded construction projects to assurecompliance with the ADA and other accessibility requirements. She isalso collaborating with the Department of Emergency Management andother City agencies to develop and implement better disaster planningfor people with disabilities.

A member of the disability community since 1992, Ms. Johnson is agraduate of the University of California Berkeley where she studiedArchitecture, City Planning, and Geography. She has over twenty fiveyears experience in the construction industry and was a licensedgeneral building contractor before working fifteen years at the SanFrancisco Department of Building Inspection as a field inspector,Senior, and Chief Building Inspector. She previously managed theDisabled Access Division, and served as the Secretary to the AccessAppeals Commission, and has been the Incident Commander for DBI’semergency response at landslides, rockslides, and building collapse. Â