News Releases
The latest news and announcements from Mayor London N. Breed

Statement from Mayor London Breed Condemning Aggression Against Armenia and Artsakh

San Francisco, CA - Mayor London N. Breed issued the following statement condemning aggression against Armenia and Artsakh.

"Armenians have been a part of San Francisco’s fabric for well over a century, and our City has been enriched immeasurably through their contributions. Through their art and literature, their passion for community, and their civic contributions, Armenians have shaped this city and always stood strong with other communities in our continued struggle for peace and freedom. As an African-American, I know how critical it is that we stand together for equal rights and protections under the law, and that no one is left standing alone when their community is attacked.  

Over the summer, our City and the local community experienced a series of horrific hate crimes meant to terrorize Armenian Americans, including gunshots and hateful messages painted at KZV Armenian School, and the arson of the Armenian Cultural Community Center adjacent to St. Gregory Church in Jordan Park. We stood in solidarity with the Armenian American community of San Francisco then, just as we stand with them now and with their compatriots who are facing an existential threat in their homeland due to the unprovoked military attacks against Armenians.

While San Francisco values those of all ethnic and national backgrounds, we must condemn the governments of Azerbaijan and Turkey for their actions against Armenia and Artsakh, which seem motivated by the same reprehensible hatred and scapegoating that led to the Armenian Genocide over a century ago. We are determined to prevent the Armenian nation from facing yet another genocidal campaign, and I call upon our leaders in Washington, D.C. to actively help bring an end to the assault upon Armenia and Artsakh."
